"Invoices" Secured and paid in 24 hours Why Not You ?It's Law: Use It - Don't Lose It !AUSTRALIAN FINANCIAL SECURITY AUTHORITY
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Learn How to Invoice Secured same level as banks
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👇VIDEO (turn up sound) "Goods" GETPAID-SECURED
Greetings business owners!
My name is Stephen – but you can call me Steve. I am one of the co-founders of GETPAID-SECURED and for the past four years our team have been helping business owners to ‘Invoice Secured’ and 'Invoice Money' in 24 hours. Learn and understand how to become a ‘Secured Creditor’, equivalent to banks. Get paid today!
Our primary goal is to provide businesses with simple yet efficient assistance, so they can reach the same level of security as banks.
We create personalised support plans that are tailored to each business’s particular needs, ensuring the best results. Our on-going support is designed to help businesses to grow their security to the highest possible standard.
As our services are backed up with dedicated customer service, businesses can be confident that they have our full support from start to finish.
We have a successful track record of helping businesses to become secured at the same level as a bank. Invoice Security and Secured Creditors.
If you are looking for a secure solution for your business, please do get in touch. We would love to help you reach the same level of safety and security as a bank, and enjoy the peace of mind that comes with it..
GETPAID-SECURED.com.au $990 Secured Terms; Registration support; $6 registration fee; "Secured Creditor"
It's Law - Use It - Or Lose It
Secured Creditor has a registered Security Interest in Personal Property owned by the Customer.
Steve will show you how to turn your Secured Creditor status "ON" $6 & "OFF" $0 (in 5 minutes);
The Secured Creditor has a floating charge over personal property owned by the customer for the obligation to pay debt;
Secured Creditor Priority in front of Unsecured Creditors including the Tax Office;
Secured Creditor legal rights at the same level or in front of banks;
Secured Creditor Goods include in the registration are "vital" for Retention Of Title (ROT) ownership (until paid);
Secured Creditors keep payments from the risk of "Clawback" law by "Court Order" "unsecured creditors" / "unfair payments", and "related transactions" known as "VOIDABLE" TRANSACTIONS".
👉 Secured Terms/Conditions (Security Agreement) are an essential part of correctly perfecting "valid" registration/s;
👉 Without signature - Steve will show you how to legally bind your customer to your Secured Terms "no signature";
👉 Critical Timing of registration in "5 minutes" process "within 20 days" of customer placing their order;
👉 Registration Fee $6 covering (up to) 7 years (per customer);
If supplying Goods, it is essential to include in the registration your Retention Of Title (ROT) ownership (until paid);
👉 Cancel/Discharge Registration when paid, no longer require security (or continue for future trade credit).
What is the PPSR?
The Personal Property Securities Registrar (PPSR) is the Australian Government's online noticeboard of security interests against personal property. PPSR was set up under the Personal Property Securities Act 2009 (Cth) (PPS Act) "law" in 2009 (PPSA) and Register (PPSR) launched in January 2012.The PPSR contains details of around 10 million security interests in personal property that thousands of secured parties have registered.A security interest is an interest in personal property, which secures payment of a debt or obligation.A creditor whose debt is secured by interests in personal property is a secured creditor and is known as a 'secured party' for the PPS Act.
GETPAID-$ECURED® - Secured Creditor (same level as a bank)
More information about what proceeds means in this context is available on page 47 of the PPSR Business Guide at ppsr.gov.au.